The Japanese Society emerged as a collaboration between Soka and Keio Universities in Japan and St. Stephen’s College, Delhi University in the Autumn of 2018. The Society is a point where two divergent cultures meet and interact: striving to provide a space of learning and genuine appreciation for a culture so different from the multitudes we have at home . We try to be the horizon where culture meets culture without biases, with openness to learn more and learn together.

With year long sprinkled talks and workshops, various online showcases and competitions, the society blog (Zetsubo Free Zone) and the annual lunch and event, Shokuji and Matsuri, the society has taken small steps in the larger project of the coexistence of a space for cultural appreciation in college. These activities are often in collaboration with the Embassy of Japan and The Japan Foundation, and online interactions with students of Soka and Keio Universities in Japan.

The logo (waraku): The logo was designed in 2019 by Chihiro Yamasaki, an exchange student from Soka University. It is based on the kanjis “和” (read as wa) and “和楽” (read as waraku). The kanji 和 represents Japan. It means harmony and Japanese traditions, and 楽 (read as raku) means fun. Together, 和楽 or waraku means enjoying harmoniously and peacefully.

Details of Council Members:

Tina Antil President B.A. English Honours Third Year
Linyam Beyong Vice President B.A. Philosophy Honours Third Year
Loraine Joseph General Secretary B.A. English Honours Third Year
Jessica Angel Boipai Literary Head B.A. English Honours Third Year
Shikhar Paul Kujur Talks and Workshop Head B.A. History Honours Third Year
Steve Narjinary Cultural Head B.A. History Honours Third Year
Taochila Pongener Treasurer B.A. History Honours Second Year
Harshit Bhagat Assistant Cultural Head B.A. Philosophy Honours Second Year
Rachel Tongbram Assistant Cultural Head B.A. English Honours SecondYear
Mahak Assistant Literary Head B.A. English Honours Second Year
Jigme Tenzin Nidup Assistant Literary Head B.A. Physics Honours Second Year
Imtisemla Assistant Talks & Workshop Head B.A. History Honours Second Year
Mharon Ngully Assistant Talks & Workshop Head B.A. History Honours Second Year
Shazia Hussain Publicity Head B.A. History Honours Second Year

Concluded Events:

Society Orientation:
Date: 12th September
No of Participants: 50

On the 12th of September, the Japanese Society conducted an Orientation session. The event, aimed at enlightening the participants about the society’s activities, objectives, and planned events for the year, saw a significant turnout with enthusiastic participation from first-year students.
Japan in Focus: Cultural Showcase
Date: 12th October 2023
No. of participants: 30
The Japanese Society organized a cultural showcase that was initiated by a matcha tea preparation in the mess lawns followed by a detailed session in NPLT including matcha tea preparation, yukata wearing and a calligraphy workshop. Shintaro Ichikawa from Nihon University and Chisato Tateno from Waseda University lead the event. We also had guests from AFS including Riya Badgel, National Director of AFS.
Link to the latest blog updates:
The self-motivated and ceaseless activities of over two dozen clubs and societies constitute a very important part of College life and offer a large variety of avenues for self expression. For each subject there is a Society that sponsors extra-curricular lectures and discussion and, in general, tries to stimulate interest in the subject. There are many other academic and cultural society and clubs covering wide range of activities, such as debating, dramatics, mountaineering, film and music appreciation, social service, photography and electronics.
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The self-motivated and ceaseless activities of over two dozen clubs and societies constitute a very important part of College life and offer a large variety of avenues for self expression. For each subject there is a Society that sponsors extra-curricular lectures and discussion and, in general, tries to stimulate interest in the subject. There are many other academic and cultural society and clubs covering wide range of activities, such as debating, dramatics, mountaineering, film and music appreciation, social service, photography and electronics.
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on/before 17TH JUNE, 2016
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