St. Stephen’s College is a Public Authority under section 2(h) of the RTI Act, 2005. Indian citizens who wish to seek information that is available with the College may do so following due process. The information available with the College pertains mainly to its functioning as an undergraduate and postgraduate educational institution affiliated to the University of Delhi.
In accordance with the RTI Act, 2005, the College has a Central Public Information Officer (CPIO). The Principal of the College is the First Appellate Authority (FAA). The details of the CPIO and the FAA are given below:
Name of the CPIO: Dr. Chinkhanlun Guite
Designation: Bursar
Email: bursar@ststephens.edu
Phone: 011-27662168/011-27667200
Name of the FAA: Prof. John Varghese
Designation: Principal
Email: principal@ststephens.edu
Phone: 011-27662152
The College is committed to following the mandates of the RTI Act, 2005 in letter and spirit. A copy of the RTI Act, 2005 is provided below for reference and information.