The following members shall constitute the Grievance Redressal Cell/Tribunal of the College:

  1. Prof. John Varghese (Principal)  – Chairperson
  2. Dr. Chinkhanlun Guite (Bursar)  – Convener
  3. Mr. Sanjay Rao Ayde
  4. Dr. Sangeeta Sachdeva
  5. Dr. Shamim Ahmed

The scope and functions of the Cell are the following:

  1. To address the grievances other than sexual harassment complaints of the teaching, non-teaching staff and the junior members of the College.
  2. To initiate measures for promoting a better understanding of the culture and mission of the College.
  3. To address issues pertaining particularly to the welfare of the non-teaching staff.
  4. To assist the Principal in dealing with matters related to the discipline of the College; the Principal being the ultimate authority as per the Constitution of the College.
  5. To undertake such other activities as the committee might consider desirable with the prior consent of the Principal.

    To register your complain or grievance, kindly email at

The self-motivated and ceaseless activities of over two dozen clubs and societies constitute a very important part of College life and offer a large variety of avenues for self expression. For each subject there is a Society that sponsors extra-curricular lectures and discussion and, in general, tries to stimulate interest in the subject. There are many other academic and cultural society and clubs covering wide range of activities, such as debating, dramatics, mountaineering, film and music appreciation, social service, photography and electronics.
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The self-motivated and ceaseless activities of over two dozen clubs and societies constitute a very important part of College life and offer a large variety of avenues for self expression. For each subject there is a Society that sponsors extra-curricular lectures and discussion and, in general, tries to stimulate interest in the subject. There are many other academic and cultural society and clubs covering wide range of activities, such as debating, dramatics, mountaineering, film and music appreciation, social service, photography and electronics.
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Please complete all application procedures for Undergraduate Courses
on/before 17TH JUNE, 2016
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