The Enabling Unit


The Enabling Unit is a UGC mandated body of the St. Stephen’s College which works towards the welfare of persons with disabilities in the College campus and envisions creating an inclusive and more accessible to students with disabilities. It incorporates a wide spectrum of disabilities from visual impairment, locomotive disability and mental and learning disabilities.

The Enabling Unit facilitates students with disabilities with accessibility support through allocation of volunteers for writing exams and making administrative and academic infrastructure of the College more accessible to enable them with equal opportunities. The Enabling unit aspires to make the college experience for persons with disabilities safe and accessible and ensures a strong sense of community that provides support in times of need. It aspires to make the access not only to academic acumen but also to other aspects of College life equally fulfilling for everyone.



Drishtikon is the flagship Annual festival of the Enabling Unit and to be held this academic session which celebrates persons with disabilities and provides them with a platform for exhibiting their talents. It includes competitions in para sports, singing, board games, creative writing competitions where persons with disabilities from many colleges participate. The Enabling Unit makes this event the most accessible event through a vibrant volunteer support for every single PWD participant.

The Enabling unit hosts a lot of events that span from workshops on accessibility and awareness for persons with disabilities to develop soft skills and make access education easier. It also holds a series of talks and discussions by role models in various industries who share their experiences on how disability alters the way one navigates through personal and professional life.

Cultural programmes

The Enabling unit collaborated with the Nation Cadet Corps to commemorate the ‘Azadi  Ka Amrit Mohotsav’  on the occasion of the 75th Independence day celebrations. The Enabling Unit members participated and made their contributions to the event through cultural performances from poetry to singing. The event provided a platform for persons with disabilities to explore their co- curricular interests and develop skills through equal opportunity.


The Enabling unit collaborated with the Social Service League of St. Stephen’s College for a workshop on 26th September named ‘Sign Language Workshop’ where volunteers from the National Association of the Deaf facilitated volunteers to spread awareness about the basics of sign language to make University campuses more inclusive for persons with hearing impairment.


The Enabling unit collaborated with the Civil Services Forum to organise a talk by IAS officer Satender Singh  on 9th November 2022 on the topic ‘Dreams to reality, the journey of a powerful vision’. The talk was an enlightening session where IAS, Mr. Singh shed light on how one can overcome challenges posed by disability and without compromising on one’s ambitions.

The Enabling Unit organised a talk on 30th January 2023, on the topic ‘Intertwining disability and University spaces for empowerment’ by Mr. Abhishek Thakur, an Assistant Professor at Department of social work,  Delhi university. He is a recipient of the Nation Award presented by the President of India for his contributions towards the empowerment of persons with disability. The talk was directed towards empowering students with disabilities to meet the challenges and navigate academic and personal life in University campuses and aided in spreading awareness about the most pressing accessibility challenges faced by the persons with disabilities in accessing education.

Guide and support

Apart from the various events hosted by the Enabling Unit, it provides support to students with disabilities through an active allocation for volunteers for writing exams, aiding persons with disabilities in accessing the university campuses and providing as a mediator between the College administration and the students to ensure equal access to college resources and opportunity.

Executive Council of The Enabling Unit

The Enabling Unit Council 2022-23

President: Prateek Jindal, 3rd BA Programme

Vice president: Saransh Alexander, 3rd BA Programme

General secretary: Prachi Sharma, 3rd Chemistry Hons

Coordinator: Avanish Vats, 2nd Philosophy

Publicity heads: Devanshu Lalwani and Priyanka Parihar, 2nd Chemistry Hons

Cultural heads: Aastha and Alex Tony, 2nd Mathematics

Academic and Infrastructural Accessibility Heads: Pankaj, 3rd BA Programme , Rabab  Fatima, Neeru Das and Rauf Sidiq, 2nd BA Programme

Treasurer  : Rani Kumari, 2nd Maths Hons.

The self-motivated and ceaseless activities of over two dozen clubs and societies constitute a very important part of College life and offer a large variety of avenues for self expression. For each subject there is a Society that sponsors extra-curricular lectures and discussion and, in general, tries to stimulate interest in the subject. There are many other academic and cultural society and clubs covering wide range of activities, such as debating, dramatics, mountaineering, film and music appreciation, social service, photography and electronics.
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The self-motivated and ceaseless activities of over two dozen clubs and societies constitute a very important part of College life and offer a large variety of avenues for self expression. For each subject there is a Society that sponsors extra-curricular lectures and discussion and, in general, tries to stimulate interest in the subject. There are many other academic and cultural society and clubs covering wide range of activities, such as debating, dramatics, mountaineering, film and music appreciation, social service, photography and electronics.
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