

B.A., M.A., Dip. Ed. (W. Australia), Ph.D. (A.N.U., Canberra)


“What a beautiful difference one single life made”

On 19th July, 1969, Dr. David Edward Uther Baker joined St. Stephen’s College as a faculty in the Department of History. During his many years of teaching in College, he was known for his scholarship, commitment to sound learning and deep concern for the well-being of all the junior members under his guidance. Dr. Baker served as Block Tutor to several Residence Blocks on campus, the last one under his guidance being the Allnutt North Residence Block. Even after retirement, Dr. Baker carried on this role gracefully and diligently– regularly inviting resident junior members to his suite for weekly tea sessions and graciously hosting customary ‘Block Teas’. Though advancing in years, Dr. Baker slowly and steadily continued his morning walks along the ridge in crisply ironed clothes, ensured that decorum was maintained in Residence, College Library and Mess, and maintained his devoted work ethic. One is reminded of these two lines from Oliver Goldsmith’s poem:

“he was kind; or if severe in aught, The love he bore to learning was at fault.”

This memorial web space was created in the loving memory of Dr. David Baker. Though Dr. David Baker is dearly missed, he will certainly continue to live through the generations of young minds he nourished.

Contribute to Dr. Baker’s Memories with any photos/article/videos

Bidding Goodbye

Dr. Baker’s Writings

The self-motivated and ceaseless activities of over two dozen clubs and societies constitute a very important part of College life and offer a large variety of avenues for self expression. For each subject there is a Society that sponsors extra-curricular lectures and discussion and, in general, tries to stimulate interest in the subject. There are many other academic and cultural society and clubs covering wide range of activities, such as debating, dramatics, mountaineering, film and music appreciation, social service, photography and electronics.
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The self-motivated and ceaseless activities of over two dozen clubs and societies constitute a very important part of College life and offer a large variety of avenues for self expression. For each subject there is a Society that sponsors extra-curricular lectures and discussion and, in general, tries to stimulate interest in the subject. There are many other academic and cultural society and clubs covering wide range of activities, such as debating, dramatics, mountaineering, film and music appreciation, social service, photography and electronics.
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Please complete all application procedures for Undergraduate Courses
on/before 17TH JUNE, 2016
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