Personal Details
Name: Sanjay Kumar
Designation: Associate Professor
Department affiliation: Physics
Education: PhD
Email: sanjay.kumar@ststephens.edu
Teaching: Undergraduate
Research Undertaken/Interests:
Gravitation Theory. Also interested in the philosophical and sociological issues related to Science.
Conferences, Seminars attended.
Attended an international conference on Cosmopolitanism in Science at the Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, Shimla, in August, 2016, and presented a paper titled Cosmopolitan Strands in Science in Colonial and post-independence India.
Invited talks, lectures and workshops conducted.
Responsible for organising Faculty Seminars at St Stephen’s College. Convenor for Academic Conclave organised in college in February 2016. It was a three-day event with more than thirty events involving Plenary Sessions, Lectures, Panel Discussions and Workshops.