The Debating Society strives to inculcate within its members the confidence to voice opinions constructively, while building awareness and sensitivity towards socio-political and economic matters that surround us.

Our society undertakes two flagship tournaments each academic year – namely, the Annual Mukarji Memorial Debate (the oldest collegiate debate tournament in India), and the Mukarji Memorial ProAm Debate. Aside from tournaments, we organise internal academic talks, as well as external seminars in the form of Mukarji Memorial Dialogues. We have also held intra-society ProAm tournaments over the past 2 years, to introduce new members to debating in a non-intimidating environment. This year, we will also be exploring a new venture in the form of an Alumni Debate.

While our central involvement is with debating, our activities are diverse. We welcome anyone who wishes to learn public speaking, whether it be to pursue it competitively or just as a hobby. Additionally, those with no interest in debating are welcome to join our society to partake in organisational work, seminars and discussions, or spectate our activities. We hope to build a strong sense of community and forge friendships through the year!

The self-motivated and ceaseless activities of over two dozen clubs and societies constitute a very important part of College life and offer a large variety of avenues for self expression. For each subject there is a Society that sponsors extra-curricular lectures and discussion and, in general, tries to stimulate interest in the subject. There are many other academic and cultural society and clubs covering wide range of activities, such as debating, dramatics, mountaineering, film and music appreciation, social service, photography and electronics.
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The self-motivated and ceaseless activities of over two dozen clubs and societies constitute a very important part of College life and offer a large variety of avenues for self expression. For each subject there is a Society that sponsors extra-curricular lectures and discussion and, in general, tries to stimulate interest in the subject. There are many other academic and cultural society and clubs covering wide range of activities, such as debating, dramatics, mountaineering, film and music appreciation, social service, photography and electronics.
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on/before 17TH JUNE, 2016
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