St. Stephen’s to prepare for Autonomy
DELHI, FEBRUARY 25, 2017:: The Governing Body of St. Stephen’s College, Delhi, approved by majority vote supported by the Delhi University representative, a resolution authorizing the College through its Principal, Prof. John Varghese to make all required preparations for Autonomy as per UGC guidelines and applicable laws and to take steps to apply for Autonomy of the College as a constituent college of the University of Delhi.
The resolution proposing Autonomy noted that the proposal for Autonomy be made and implemented in a manner which does not affect the Christian character of the College and the constitutional rights emanating therefrom.
The Governing Body also noted that the proposal to seek autonomy has no adverse impact on the service conditions of permanent staff nor will it affect the course content and fee structure of the present students of the College.
Principal Prof. John Varghese said, “Autonomy will deliver higher standards of excellence in academics through new courses that will enhance employability of our students. It will help the College grow intellectually as well as increase the infrastructure that has seen minimal growth since the 1960s”.
St. Stephen’s College is an institution of long standing national repute and has been in continuous educational service of the nation since its founding in 1881. It has contributed to the Indian national freedom movement and thereafter in nation building through its teachers, students and alumni. The College has demonstrated leadership in academics and excellence in sports at the national and international levels. The College also has a proven track record towards the global vision in education via historical and continuing collaborations, alliances and exchange programmes with top global institutions including Ivy League institutions.